Adolescent Mental Health, featuring Peter S. Jensen, MD | EDB 264
Finding Neurodiversity in the Criminal Justice System, w/ Helen Arnold-Richardson | EDB 233
Alzheimer’s & Down Syndrome, with LuMind IDSC’s Dr James Hendrix | EDB 241
Creating Sensory-Friendly Theater, with Broward Center for the Performing Arts’ Gustavo Padrino | EDB 257
The Neurobiology of Empathy, with UChicago’s Dr Peggy Mason | EDB 248
Neurodiversity in Israel, with Jacki Edry | EDB 256
Dyslexia & Creativity: Harnessing Diverse Minds, with Ken Gobbo | EDB 209
The State of Alzheimer’s Research, with Dr Marcia Ratner & Dr James Hendrix | EDB 255
Autism & PTSD, with Sean Inderbitzen | EDB 254
Parenting a Child with a Rare Diagnosis, with John Hiski Ridge | EDB 253
Advocating for Accessibility & Accommodations, with Sarah Goldman | EDB 225
Building an Inclusive Workforce, with Matt Anderson of PRIDE Industries | EDB 252
Narcissistic Personality Disorder, with Darlene Lancer, JD, LMFT | EDB 250
Supporting the Down Syndrome Community, w/ NDSS’ Kandi Pickard & Margot Rhondeau | EDB 247
The US Autism Association, with Dr Marlo Payne Thurman | EDB 246
The Autism Full Employment Act, w/ Michael Bernick & Dr Louis Vismara | EDB 245
Thriving with ADHD, with Shawn Smith, Me.D., CCC | EDB 244
CTE, Sports & Dementia, with LuMind IDSC’s Dr James Hendrix | EDB 243
Not Weird, Just Autistic, with J.R. Reed | EDB 242
Overcoming Self-Defeat, with Dr. Mark Goulston | EDB 240
Gender Identity & Autism, with Dr. Eileen Crehan of Tufts Univ. | EDB 227
Living With Tuberous Sclerosis, with Preston Fitzgerald | EDB 239
Employment for the Neurodiverse, with Dr. Temple Grandin, Michael Bernick, and more | EDB 128
DCD & Me: Living with Developmental Coordination Disorder, featuring Julia Futo | EDB 237
Becoming a Neurodiversity Self-Advocate, with Julia Futo | EDB 236
STEM Inclusion for the Neurodivergent, w/ UCONN’s Marisa Chrysochoou PhD & Arash Zaghi PhD | EDB 235
Battling Health Care Disparities, with Harvard’s Margarita Alegría, PhD | EDB 234
Where Neurodiversity Meets Gender Diversity, with Dr. Alexis Bitting | EDB 224
Pattern Seekers: The Connection Between Autism & Invention, with Simon Baron-Cohen | EDB 232
Exercise & Autism, with Mark Fleming | EDB 231
Advocating Neurodiversity During COVID-19, with Jude Morrow | EDB 230
Dealing With Trauma During COVID-19, with Dr. Mark Goulston | EDB 229
Helping Kids With Dyslexia Read, with Susan B. Kahn, M.Ed. | EDB 228
Life With Misophonia, with Michael Tollefsrud | EDB 226
Autism & COVID-19, with Dr. Stephen Shore | EDB 218
Dementia & Alzheimer’s Self-Advocacy, with Michael Ellenbogen | EDB 222
Mental Health & The Justice System, with Judge Ginger Lerner-Wren | EDB 221
Mindfulness, Parenting, & ADHD, with Mark Bertin, M.D. | EDB 220
Autism & Disclosure: Tips For Sharing Your Diagnosis, with Dr. Stephen Shore | EDB 219
Pursuing Dreams on the Autism Spectrum, with Dr. Sreenath Jagannathan | EDB 217
HAAPE: Helping Adults with Autism Perform & Excel, with Lawrence Rothman, PhD | EDB 216
Patient Care During COVID-19, with Louis A. Shapiro of HSS | EDB 215
Landmark College: Maximizing Neurodiverse Potential, with Solvegi Shmulsky, M.Ed. | EDB 214
Ageless Aging: Lifelong Health for Brain & Body, with Maddy Dychtwald | EDB 213
Autism Career Pathways, with Maisie Soetantyo, M.Ed. | EDB 212
Neurodiversity Hub: Creating Opportunities Around the Globe, with Andrew Eddy | EDB 211
Neurodiverse Housing, with Ashley Kim | EDB 210
Where Neurodiversity Meets Racial Diversity, with Pierre Marsh | EDB 130
Helping Neurodiverse Students Grow, with Dr. Eric Nach | EDB 208
The Stanford Neurodiversity Project, with Dr. Lawrence Fung | EDB
The Other CTE: Toxicants & Your Brain, with Marcia Ratner, Ph.D. | EDB 207
Breathing & Mindfulness During COVID-19, with Ed Harrold | EDB 206
Is Autism Employment Improving? with Michael Bernick | EDB 205
Becoming a Special Father For Special Kids, with David Hirsch | EDB 204
Succeeding with Tourette Syndrome, with Brian Schulman | EDB 203
Neurodiversity & Chronic Pain, with Karen Prescod the BowTie Gurl | EDB 202
Harnessing Abilities With ADHD, with Brooke Schnittman | EDB 201
An Introduction to Stress Management, with Dr. Marsha D. Brown | EDB 194
What Made You Smile Today? with Dr. Mark Goulston | EDB
Love Serving Autism: Tennis on the Spectrum, with Lisa Pugliese | EDB
Neurodiversity & Law Enforcement, with Dr. Marsha D. Brown | EDB
Supporting Neurodivergent College Students, with Drs. George & Oksana Hagerty of Beacon College | EDB
From Breakdown to Breakthrough: Tips For Heeding Your Wake-Up Call, with Dr. Mark Goulston | EDB 195
Fatherhood on the Autism Spectrum, with Irish Self-Advocate Jude Morrow | EDB 182
What is Sports Psychology? with Dr. Harold Shinitzky | EDB 193
Excelling With Autism, featuring J David Hall of NeuroGuides | EDB 176
2019 in Review: Advice For Every Brain, w/ Dr. Nancy Doyle, Dr. Debbie Joffe Ellis & more | EDB 192
2019 in Review: Clinicians, Advocates & Change-Makers (13 minutes) In this annual two-part special episode…
2019 in Review: The Wisdom of Self-Advocates, w/ Marcie Ciampi, Haley Moss, Jude Morrow & more | EDB 191
2019 in Review: The Self-Advocates (14 minutes) In this annual two-part special episode we cover…
Supporting Autism Families, with Dr. Lina Moyano | EDB 190
An interview with DIR/Floortime provider and autism specialist Dr. Lina Moyano (25 minutes) Dr. Moyano…
The Neurobiology of Socialization, with Stanford University’s Dr. Karen Parker | EDB 189
Dr. Karen Parker, director of the Social Neurosciences Research Program at Stanford University (25 mins)…
An Introduction to Group Therapy, with Dr. Scott Simon Fehr | EDB 188
Psychologist Dr. Scott Simon Fehr explains the basics of group therapy (18 minutes) Scott is…