Resiliency: Developing Emotional Strength Through Perseverance, with Debbie Manigat | EDB 96
Infant Mental Health: Supporting Early Emotional Development, with Debbie Manigat | EDB 95
Autism and Employment, with Dr. Temple Grandin | EDB 94
Understanding Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s at the Cellular Level, with Dr. Malav Trivedi of Nova Southeastern Univ. | EDB 93
The Science Behind Neurodiversity, with Dr. Malav Trivedi of Nova Southeastern University | EDB 92
What is Schizophrenia? with Lori Butts J.D., PH.D. | EDB 91
Denise’s List: Empowering the Parents of Children with Autism, with Denise Karp | EDB 90
Understanding Bipolar Disorder, with Dr. Lori Butts | EDB 89
The National Down Syndrome Society: Protecting Civil Rights of Different Brains, with Sara Hart Weir, M.S. | EDB 88
The World’s First Tourettes Superhero, with Jess Thom of Touretteshero | EDB 87
What is Tourette’s Syndrome? with Jess Thom of Touretteshero | EDB 86
Tips for Life After a Traumatic Brain Injury, with David A. Grant of TBI HOPE | EDB 85
TBI Hope: Persevering After a Traumatic Brain Injury, with David A. Grant | EDB 84
Uniting Physician Perspectives for Neurodiversity | EDB 83
What Everyone Should Know About Epilepsy, with Tom McGranahan, Jr. | EDB 82
Living with Epilepsy, with Tom McGranahan, Jr. | EDB 81
Discovering the Gifts of Different Brains, with Dr. Gail Saltz | EDB 80
The Power of Different: Appreciating the Talent in Neurodiversity, with Dr. Gail Saltz | EDB 79
Parent Advocates: Supporting Kids on the Autism Spectrum, with Stacey Hoaglund | EDB 78
Respecting Individuality on the Autism Spectrum, with Michael Alessandri, Ph.D. of UM-NSU CARD | EDB 77
Uniting the Autism Community, with Dr. Michael Alessandri of UM-NSU CARD | EDB 76
How Can Doctors Support Patients With Autism? with Dr. Phillip DeMio, of the USAAA and AMAB | EDB 75
Autism in France, with Anlor Davin Author of “Being Seen” | EDB 20
What Is Misophonia? with Dr. Jennifer Jo Brout, founder of Duke University’s Sensory Research Program | EDB 74
Debunking the Myths About Alcoholism & Addiction, w/ Professor Bankole Johnson of the U of Maryland and HBO’s “Addiction” | EDB 73
Treating Addiction Through Neuroscience Breakthroughs, with Prof. Bankole Johnson of the University of Maryland School of Medicine | EDB 72
Creativity on the Autism Spectrum | EDB 71
Overcoming Learning Obstacles with Dyslexia & ADHD | EDB 70
Finding Fulfilling Employment on the Autism Spectrum, with Dr. Stephen Shore | EDB 69
Advocating Autism Spectrum Around the World, with Stephen Shore | EDB 68
Doctors Embracing Different Brains, with Steve Sulkes, M.D of the U. of Rochester Medical Center and the AADMD | EDB 67
Identifor: Maximizing the Potential of the Neurodiverse, with Steve Keisman | EDB 66
College Transitions for Different Brains with Mitch Nagler from Adelphi University | EDB 65
Helping the Neurodiverse and People with Disabilities Excel, with JR Harding of FSU | EDB 64
Comedy on the Autism Spectrum, with Colin Eldred-Cohen | EDB 63
Health Care for the Intellectually Disabled (Part 2), with Dr. Steven Perlman of the Special Olympics and AADMD | EDB 62
Health Care for the Intellectually Disabled (Part 1), with Dr. Steven Perlman of the Special Olympics and AADMD | EDB 61
Fighting for Accessibility and Disability Support, with Dr. JR Harding of FSU | EDB 60
Self-Advocacy on the Autism Spectrum, with Becca Lory | EDB 59
Getting a Diagnosis as a Woman on the Autism Spectrum, with Becca Lory of GRASP | EDB 58
Finding Tomorrow’s Medical Breakthroughs, with Dr. H. Thomas Temple of Nova Southeastern’s TRED | EDB 57
Maximizing Educational Success for Different Brains with Lori Bitar | EDB 56
Socializing on the Autism Spectrum with Sarah Howard | EDB 55
Gender & Neurodiversity: Recognizing the Diversity Within the Autism Spectrum, with Tania Marshall | EDB 54
Is Addiction a Form of Neurodiversity? with Jan Tedeschi | EDB 52
AspienGirl: Embracing the Strengths of Women with Autism, with Tania Marshall | EDB 51
Love and Autism: Exploring Romance and Neurodiversity with Dr. Jennifer Palmiotto | EDB 50
Succeeding With ADHD: Maximizing the Abilities of Neurodiversity, with Shawn Smith | EDB 49
Diagnosing Neurodiversity: 7 Advocates Tell How They Learned They Have Autism | EDB 48
Moving Beyond Labels and Understanding Neurodiversity, with Dr. Lori Butts | EDB 47
Why Therapy Shouldn’t Always Lead to Medication, with Dr. Lauren Gerber | EDB 46
College Life with Asperger’s Syndrome, with Dietrich Kuhlmann | EDB 45
Breathing Your Way to a Healthier Brain, with Ed Harrold | EDB 44
Empowering People With Autism: Enabling the Abilities of the Neurodiverse with Stacey Hoaglund | EDB 43
Battling Mental Health Stigma at Henderson Behavioral, with Dr. Steven Ronik | EDB 42
Badges and Different Brains: Neurodiversity and Law Enforcement with Dr. Lori Butts | EDB 41
Autism and the Family: Therapeutic Solutions for the Household, with Dr. Lauren Gerber | EDB 40
How Do You Get Inspired? Finding Inspiration Through Neurodiversity | EDB 39
Rewire Your Brain to the Beat: How Music Therapy Can Benefit the Neurodiverse, with Martha Summa | EDB 38
The Poetry in Asperger’s: Self Expression on the Spectrum, with Ian Hale, Ph.D. | EDB Episode 37
Is Autism Hereditary? Neurodiversity in the Family Tree, with Ian Hale, Ph.D. | EDB Episode 36
Atypical Travel: Expanding Horizons of the Neurodiverse with Peggy Koutas | EDB 35
Trailblazing 2016: Neurodiverse Entrepreneurship with Alexai Perez | EDB 34
Alzheimer’s at 40, with Michael Ellenbogen | EDB 33
Downs Designs Dreams: Special Jeans for Special Needs with Karen Bowersox | EDB 32
Changing Lives Through the Special Olympics, with Karlyn Emile | EDB 31
Employment for the Autistic with Thomas D’Eri of Rising Tide Car Wash | EDB 30
Fictional Characters on the Autism Spectrum with author Cassandra Dunn | EDB ep.29
In this episode, Harold Reitman, M.D. speaks with Cassandra Dunn, author of “The Art of Adapting.”
Don’t Dis-my-ability! Success For The Neurodiverse, with Shawn Smith, M.Ed. | EDB 28
Can The Gut Control The Brain? Bacteria’s Role In Autism with Dr. Derrick MacFabe | EDB 27
In this episode, Harold Reitman, M.D. speaks with Derrick MacFabe, M.D., assistant professor and director of The Kilee Patchell-Evans Autism Research Group, and pioneer of the study of the gut's influence over the brain.