Social Skills in the Neurodiverse with Ana Anselma | EXPLORING DIFFERENT BRAINS – Episode 03
In this episode, Dr. Harold Reitman welcomes Ana Anselma, co-founder of the Social Mind Center in Davie, Florida.
Parenting and Asperger’s Syndrome with Derek Volk | EXPLORING DIFFERENT BRAINS Episode 02
In this episode, Dr. Reitman speaks with Derek Volk, author of "Chasing The Rabbit," host of The Derek Volk Show, and father of a son with Asperger's Syndrome.
Treating Autism with Raun Kaufman | EXPLORING DIFFERENT BRAINS Episode 01
Dr. Harold "Hackie" Reitman interviews Raun Kaufman, the head of the Autism Treatment Center, and author of the book "Autism Breakthrough."
TRAILER – Asperger’s, Autism, and the Square Root of 2: A Neurodiversity Documentary
To view the full documentary free of charge, please click here. “Asperger’s, Autism, and The Square…
Mayor Tim Ryan on Neurodiversity
Mayor Tim Ryan defines neurodiversity and contextualizes it with contemporary politics. Video included.