Dealing With Unwanted & Inappropriate Attention, with Autism Self-Advocate Amy Gravino | Spectrumly Speaking 75
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(42 minutes) In this episode, hosts Haley Moss and Dr. Lori Butts welcome returning guest Amy Gravino, M.A.. Amy is a Certified Autism Specialist and the president of A.S.C.O.T. Consulting. She is a national public speaker, autism consultant, college coach, and writer who has given two TED Talks and spoken at the United Nations and events and conferences across the country. She is currently authoring The Naughty Autie, a memoir of her experiences with dating, sexuality, and relationships as a woman on the autism spectrum. She is known as “The Dr. Ruth of Autism”. The three discuss Amy’s rare early diagnosis, how she strives to be “the Dr. Ruth of the Autism Community,” and the challenges present in facilitating conversations about sex in the autism community. The three discuss the subject of dealing with unwanted and inappropriate attention, the emotional ramifications of stalking and its prevalence in the autism community, the lack of proper education for people on the spectrum, and how things could be improved.
For more about Amy, please visit: amygravino.com
Spectrumly Speaking is the podcast dedicated to women on the autism spectrum, produced by Different Brains®. Every other week, join our hosts Haley Moss (an autism self-advocate, attorney, artist, and author) and Dr. Lori Butts (a licensed clinical and forensic psychologist, and licensed attorney) as they discuss topics and news stories, share personal stories, and interview some of the most fascinating voices from the autism community.
For more about Haley, check out her website: haleymoss.net And look for her on Twitter: twitter.com/haleymossart For more about Dr. Butts, check out her website: cfiexperts.com
Have a question or story for us? E-mail us at SpectrumlySpeaking@gmail.com