Making Hip-Hop Accessible to the Hearing Impaired
The Week in Neurodiversity
The Neurodiversity News Show, hosted by the Different Brains Inc. interns. Today’s host: Adrienne Sassano
( 3 min 35 sec) In this episode: a 17 year old inventor makes an app to help his brother with Down syndrome make friends, a hip-hop artist looks to make music for the hearing impaired, a boy with dyslexia writes a poem that goes viral, and more!
[00:11] To kick things off, a fraternity from Grand Valley State University walked 160 miles for multiple sclerosis awareness. https://www.9and10news.com/2019/03/01/fraternity-brothers-walk-160-miles-for-people-with-multiple-sclerosis/[00:50] Now, let’s see how a 9 yr-old basketball player with cerebral palsy made a basket with an assist from a great teammate. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1840209716084244
[01:16] Next up, a hip-hop artist is looking to make music more accessible to the hearing impaired. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2293974664193654
[01:52] After he saw his brother with Down syndrome unable to make friends through social media, a 17 year old inventor created an App to help him and others with special needs. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/humankind/2017/03/21/teen-creates-apps-help-people-special-needs/99452526/
[02:24] And finally, let’s take a look at a poem by a 10 yr-old with dyslexia that has gone viral! https://www.today.com/parents/10-year-old-s-reverse-poem-about-dyslexia-goes-viral-t149620
Photo by Nicholas Green on Unsplash