Week in Neurodiversity – Autism Awareness Goes Country! (8/20/16)
The Week in Neurodiversity
The Neurodiversity News Show, hosted by Mike Nickas.
In this episode, musicians write a song for autism awareness, a young man with Down syndrome becomes a cop for a day, and did you hear about the man with Parkinson’s who won a Martial Arts title? All these stories and more!
[00:12] Group of musicians in Michigan writes country song for autism awareness. [00:39] Man with Down syndrome lives dream of being a police officer for a day [01:09] Young individuals with autism in San Antonio are taught how to interact with law enforcement [01:36] Girl shares her story of growing up with pediatric bipolar disorder [02:03] Doctors use Amyloid Imaging to help detect Alzheimer’s [02:38] 78-year-old man with Parkinson’s wins a Martial Arts titleFOR THE FULL STORIES:
Group of musicians in Michigan writes country song for autism awareness. http://fox17online.com/2016/08/10/michigan-musicians-create-country-song-to-raise-awareness-for-autism/
Man with Down syndrome lives dream of being a police officer for a day http://www.lex18.com/story/32491327/young-man-with-down-syndrome-is-officer-for-a-day
Young individuals with autism in San Antonio are taught how to interact with law enforcement. http://www.kens5.com/news/local/autistic-teens-learn-skills-to-interact-with-police/289724162
Girl shares her story of growing up with pediatric bipolar disorder. http://www.additudemag.com/adhdblogs/31/12035.html
Doctors use Amyloid Imaging to help detect Alzheimer’s. http://www.bigcountryhomepage.com/news/smart-woman/new-technology-may-help-doctors-detect-alzheimers-earlier
78-year-old man with Parkinson’s wins a Martial Arts title. http://www.wtsp.com/entertainment/places/bobby-lewis-on-the-road/man-wins-martial-arts-title-after-parkinsons-diagnosis/286239953
This video is owned by Different Brains Inc, kindly donated by it’s original producer PCE Media LLC.