Below you will find a list of neurodiversity events featuring Different Brains contributors. Are you interested in hosting a Different Brains event? Contact us!
This conference will focus on demonstrating how RECREATION can be used as a platform for other therapeutic interventions. Speakers will include leaders in recreation programs and services, dedicated to improving the lives of autistic individuals. This includes some familiar names to the Different Brains audience like Dr. Stephen Shore and Dani Bowman! Event followed by optional Roots & Ruts Off-Road 5K Run/Walk on March 25th
Venue: The Els Center of Excellence (R) Campus, 18370 Limestone Creek Road, Jupiter, Florida 33458
For more info about the upcoming Els for Autism conference, go to: https://bit.ly/Rec-Conference-2023
Tuesday, May 31st at 07:00pm ET – “Fighting & Preventing Neurodiverse Burnout” | DB Speaker Series
DifferentBrains.org is excited to present our latest virtual panel “Fighting & Preventing Neurodiverse Burnout”! Join us as our panel of experts share their unique, neurodiverse perspectives, while offering tools and tips for recognizing, fighting, and preventing burnout. This event will have live captions generated by Otter.ai. A recording will be made available to everyone that registers.
Our panelists:
– DR. MARSHA D. BROWN (Forensic & Clinical Psychologist / Host of Self-Care Chronicles Podcast / drmarshabrown.com)
– SEAN INDERBITZEN (Autism Self-Advocate / Licensed Clinical Social Worker / Therapist / seaninderbitzen.com)
– BROOKE SCHNITTMAN (ADHD & Executive Functioning Coach / Co-Host of ADHD Power Tools /coachingwithbrooke.com)
– KATIE OSWALD (Autism Self-Advocate/ Founder of Full Spectrum Agency For Autistic Adults / fullspectrumasd.org)
Our moderator:
– ALI IDRISS (ADHD Self-Advocate / Writer / Co-Host of ADHD Power Tools)
Thursday, January 20th at 7:00pm ET – “ADHD & Motivation”
DifferentBrains.org is excited that our FREE webinar speaker series continues into the new year with: “ADHD & Motivation: Tools for Achieving Your Goals in 2022”, featuring ADHD & Executive Functioning Coach / self-advocate Brooke Schnittman MA, BCC, ACC and self-advocate / writer Ali Idriss. You likely already know Brooke and Ali from their great Different Brains video series ADHD Power Tools, which has already released over 70 episodes! We are looking forward to Brooke and Ali sharing some of those important tools, and helping anyone with ADHD or executive functioning challenges find ways to achieve their goals! So join us Thursday, January 20th at 7:00pm ET! A brief Q&A will follow the presentation.
Thursday, October 21st at 7:00pm ET – “Autism & Dating”
DifferentBrains.org is excited to be hosting our next free virtual webinar Thursday, October 21st at 7:00pm ET on Autism & Dating! Our line-up for this talk is really a who’s who of the autism community: self-advocate, consultant, author, and relationship therapist Toni Boucher; self-advocate, Neurodiversity & Inclusion Specialist, and author Marcelle Ciampi (also known as Samantha Craft); self-advocate, Neurodiversity & DEIJ Consultant, speaker, and educator Morénike Giwa Onaiwu; and self-advocate, Autism Sexuality Advocate, and relationship coach Amy Gravino! Moderating the panel (and also sharing their personal insights) are two more pre-eminent autism self-advocates you will remember from our previous Autism on the Job panel: Lyric Holmans and J.R. Reed. Lyric is a neurodiversity consultant many of you may know as the “Neurodivergent Rebel”. J.R. is a speaker, Autism Consultant, Certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, and writer.
So please join us for some tips and tools for navigating romantic relationships on the autism spectrum this Thursday, October 21st at 7:00pm ET! A brief Q&A will follow the presentation.
Click here to register for the FREE event now!
Thursday, June 17th at 7:00pm ET – “Defeating Self-Defeat” with Dr. Mark Goulston
Do you or someone you know procrastinate? Take things too personally? Not learn from your mistakes? Quit too soon? Try to change others? Hold onto grudges? What would be the positive impact on your relationships, on other people’s respect and your own self respect, and your self esteem if you overcame these or any other self-defeating behaviors? If you want to finally begin that journey to self-improvement and living the life you’ve always wanted and deserve, instead of the one you’ve settled for, you’ll want to attend this webinar featuring Dr. Mark Goulston, co-author of the WSJ Best Selling Book, Get Out of Your Own Way and creator of the Defeating Self Defeat audio masterclass at Himalaya Learning. To register for this free event, visit: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/8816234465395/WN_e2VwHe-bTKa25oMFl0L-8g
Thursday, April 22nd at 7:00pm ET – “Autism on the Job: Navigating Neurodiversity in the Workplace”
DifferentBrains.org is excited to present this panel looking at topics related to autism in the workplace. These include: tips and tools for navigating co-workers and supervisors, discussion on receiving accommodations, suggestions for how workplaces can do better, and a look at self-employment. OUR PANELISTS: Tim Goldstein (Autism Self-Advocate / Speaker / Writer / Sr. consultant at Google https://www.timgoldstein.com/), Patricia Li (Practice Manager at Google / Tim’s previous supervisor), Maisie Soetantyo, M. Ed. (Founder, Autism Career Pathways https://autismcareerpathways.com/). OUR MODERATORS: Christa Holmans (Autism Self-Advocate / ND Consultant https://neurodivergentrebel.com/) and J.R. Reed (Autism Self-Advocate / Writer https://notweirdjustautistic.com/). To register click here!
Friday, April 23rd at 7:00pm ET – “Demystifying Autism: Unveiling the Misconceptions”
The American Tennis Association is partnering with Love Serving Autism to offer three free virtual webinars during Autism Acceptance Month! The first, “Demystifying Autism: Unveiling the Misconceptions” with feature a presentation by Different Brains founder Dr. Hackie Reitman, alongside Love Serving Autism’s Lisa Pugliese-LaCroix and FAU CARD’s Robin Jones. For more information about this and other free events being offered in this series, click here!
DifferentBrains.org is excited to present highly respected licensed psychologists Dr. Michael P. Brannon and Dr. Lori J. Butts’ webinar “Identifying and Coping with Anxiety, Stress & Trauma”. Dr. Brannon and Dr. Butts will look at identifying anxiety, stress, and trauma during the COVID-19 pandemic. They will also offer tools for coping, with special comments on neurodiversity. To register click here!
DifferentBrains.org is excited to present Clinical Psychologist Dr. Marsha Brown’s webinar “Deconstructing Sadness: Must-Have Tools to Recognize, Understand, and Manage Depression” Join us as Dr. Brown looks at multiple aspects of life with depression, while offering tools to recognize and manage it in yourself or a loved one. To register or to learn more about Dr. Brown, click here!
Saturday, October 3 at 12:00pm ET – Virtual Event: ADHD EdCamp 2020 Home
Join ADHDEdCamp creator, ADHD/Executive Function Coach, Brooke Schnittman, MA, ACC, BCC, from Coaching With Brooke, Dr. Christina Seamster and Joe Mireles from Fusion Academy, Lynn Miner-Rosen, M.Ed., ACC, CDCS from LMR Coaching, Maria Cardenas, M.Ed. and Dr. Mallory Kojkowski from Fusion Academy Miami, and Mark and Mira Halpert from 3D Learner as well as others to learn all of the ins and outs of ADHD and how to manage the symptoms at home, in school and at work! Different Brains founder Dr. Hackie Reitman will also be giving a PowerPoint presentation. For more information and to register, click here!
The theme of this year’s Stanford Neurodiversity Summit is “Scaling Up the Neurodiversity at Work Initiative”. This virtual summit is a unique conference bringing together neurodiverse/neurodivergent individuals, employers, service agencies, educators and students, parents, and professionals from all areas of the field. See below for a preliminary schedule of the summit. Different Brains founder Hackie Reitman, M.D. will be giving a keynote Tuesday, October 20th at 8:00am PT. Other speakers include Siena Castellon, Liliana Mayo, Judy Singer, Mike Wehmeyer, and previous Exploring Different Brains guest Dr. Nancy Doyle. Click here for more information, and to register!
The Broward County Crime Commission, as part of their Building Bridges Mental Health Conference Series, are welcoming anyone who would like to attend this upcoming web conference on autism and related disabilities — including police officers, emergency staff, physicians, pharmacists, psychologists, fire and safety personnel, child protective services, attorneys, parents, teachers, and therapists. CEUs are being offered. Topics include drowning prevention, police interaction with those with autism, vaccines and Covid impacts to a person with autism (among a few others). To register visit www.browardcrime.org or call 754-423-1976
Different Brains founder Hackie Reitman, M.D. will be giving a lecture on neurodiversity to the class of the BUSM Behavioral Neuroscience Program. Click here for more info on the program!
Different Brains founder Hackie Reitman, M.D. will be giving a virtual presentation to Stanford University’s Special Interest Group for Neurodiversity. Click here for more information!