Emma Stone Discusses Her Childhood Anxiety With Stephen Colbert – The Week In Neurodiversity (10/7/17)

Emma Stone Discusses Her Childhood Anxiety with Stephen Colbert – The Week in Neurodiversity (10/7/17)

The Week in Neurodiversity

The Neurodiversity News Show, hosted by the DifferentBrains.org staff.

Today’s host: Adrienne Marie Sassano!

(3 mins 52 sec) Emma Stone shares her struggle with anxiety to Stephen Colbert, and how did this University of Kentucky quarterback help a kid with Tourette’s? These stories and more in this week’s edition!

[00:11] In Oklahoma, combat veterans are raising awareness for those with PTSD.

[00:52] Emma stone discusses growing up with anxiety with Stephen Colbert.

[01:27] Over in Wisconsin a high school football player with Down syndrome recorded his first tackle!

[01:59] In Ohio, twins with Down syndrome have earned their 3rd degree black belts!

[02:36] After overcoming his struggles with Tourette’s as a child, University of Kentucky quarterback Stephen Johnson is using his story to help a boy with the same struggles.



In Oklahoma, combat veterans are raising awareness for those with PTSD. http://www.news9.com/story/36386793/oklahoma-combat-veterans-raise-awareness-for-suicide-prevention

Emma stone discusses growing up with anxiety with Stephen Colbert. http://time.com/4949552/emma-stone-anxiety-on-colbert/

Over in Wisconsin a high school football player with Down syndrome recorded his first tackle! http://www.ktts.com/news/national/opposing-player-lets-wisconsin-boy-with-down-syndrome-make-his-first-tackle-in-football-game

In Ohio, twins with Down syndrome have earned their 3rd degree black belts! http://wdtn.com/2017/09/28/twins-with-down-syndrome-earn-3rd-degree-black-belts/

After overcoming his struggles with Tourette’s as a child, University of Kentucky quarterback Stephen Johnson is using his story to help a boy with the same struggles. http://www.kentucky.com/sports/college/kentucky-sports/uk-football/article173711026.html


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