“Hotels From The Inside” by Preston Fitzgerald | DB Speakers Bureau Series
Exploring Hospitality
Different Brain intern and Tuberous Sclerosis self-advocate Preston Fitzgerald shares what he has learned from pursuing a career in hospitality. This presentation was giving as part of the Different Brains Speakers Bureau. To learn more about our Speakers Bureau, click here! To learn more about our Internship Program, click here!
Preston Fitzgerald is a recent graduate from the University of North Texas with a degree in the Hospitality field. He was diagnosed with Tuberous Sclerosis at seven months old and has taken great strides to surpass his expectations while having a learning disability. He uses his current life status as an advantage in order to spread the word in order to find a cure. While he is not being an advocate for TSC, he enjoys watching sports, traveling around the world, and spending time with his family and friends.