How to Celebrate Neurodiversity at Work
By Sophie Bishop
Neurodiversity at work
In an increasingly accepting society, what makes us different is something that we’re learning to celebrate. With around 15–20% of the U.S. population being neurodivergent, it’s about time, too!
So many people in America aren’t born with neurotypical brains, and their different ways of thinking bring innovation, joy, and a fresh perspective to our world.
Workplaces in particular are starting to see why embracing neurodivergence is so beneficial. Fighting discrimination, embracing unique thinking, and celebrating all staff are musts in our modern world.
Learn how to lift your neurodivergent peers and raise awareness of different conditions in this guide.
What is Neurodiversity?
To celebrate neurodiversity, you first need an accurate description of what that actually means.
A neurodiverse brain processes and interprets information in a fairly unique way when compared to the masses. In the United States, there are over 119 well-being centers dedicated specifically to supporting neurodivergent individuals, offering tailored services and resources to meet their unique needs.
These centers provide valuable support for those with conditions that commonly fall under the umbrella of neurodiversity including:
There are common signs that somebody is neurodiverse, from awkwardness in social situations to sensitivity to bright lights and loud noises. However, it’s smart to remember that not everybody’s differences are obvious.
If someone doesn’t outwardly display common signs, that doesn’t mean they aren’t neurodiverse. Sometimes, the thinking and behaviour of neurodiversity can go against traditional societal expectations, putting people with these conditions at a disadvantage in a world that’s been built for neurotypical minds.
Fortunately, though, acceptance is on the rise. Understanding that a brain with non-typical functioning can bring a new, fresh perspective on life is slowly gaining traction, with more people acknowledging that neurodiversity can help our world rather than hinder it.
Business Benefits of Celebrating Neurodiversity
Whether you’re opening a cafe or running a global accountancy firm, any business can benefit from celebrating neurodiversity.
Embracing neurodiversity creates a more inclusive, positive working environment. You’re encouraging a culture of kindness and consideration, which will make you a more in-demand employer and improve the employee experience.
You’ll also find that neurodiverse staff can come at problems from angles you may not have thought of. With different ways of processing information come new perspectives, which is an advantage for any business looking to stand out. Solve problems and get ahead of competitors with a workforce that embraces neurodiversity.
People with neurodiverse brains often have wonderful qualities that make them especially talented in the workplace, including:
- Hyperfocus on tasks
- Linear thinking skills
- Excellent fact retention
- Keen attention to detail
- Enthusiasm for problem-solving
How to Celebrate Neurodiversity in the Workplace
Being an inclusive, diverse workplace isn’t just about hiring neurodiverse employees, but about actively celebrating them too. There are many ways to do this and we’ve put together some ideas to help get you started.
Work With Neurodiverse Needs
People with neurodiverse brains are often differently abled. Our world hasn’t traditionally been designed to accept different thinking, so workspaces often aren’t accessible to people with ADHD and autism.
This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t hire from the neurodiverse talent pool, but instead, you should work to meet these unique needs.
Be open with your team about your acceptance of people who may respond to situations differently. Let your employees know that you’ll be happy to accommodate different needs to create an environment where everybody can work to the best of their ability.
For example, some neurodiverse staff may need a desk in a quieter area with lower light levels or could benefit from not being asked to talk in meetings. Get to know how you can help neurodiverse employees feel comfortable and make sure to implement any changes.
Train Your Team
Training is a crucial aspect of embracing and celebrating neurodiversity. Learn more about how people’s brains function, the differences between conditions like autism and ADHD, and how to manage your diverse team with care in the workplace
Shine the Light on Neurodiverse Successes
What better way to celebrate neurodiversity than by bringing attention to neurodiverse entrepreneurs, celebrities, and all-around amazing people? Some to look into include:
- Emma Watson
- Ingvar Kamprad
- Tim Burton
- Richard Branson
- Elon Musk
From posters around your workspace to mini-presentations on amazing people with neurodiverse conditions, this is a fantastic way to raise awareness and show your desire for an inclusive working environment.
Join in With Awareness Projects
There are tons of projects happening around America to celebrate neurodiversity. If your business can, why not join in? Find projects you can actively take part in or host a workplace event to raise money for a charity supporting neurodiversity.
Final Words
Neurodiversity isn’t something that anyone should be ashamed of. As a business, you’ve got the chance to promote more accepting, inclusive mindsets that celebrate people’s differences.
By promoting inclusivity, raising awareness, and sharing the fact that you want to hire neurodiverse staff, you can help give everyone the confidence to be themselves.