Managing Stress | Spectrumly Speaking ep. 71
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(33 minutes) In this episode, hosts Haley Moss and Dr. Lori Butts go guest-less to discuss an issue everyone deals with: stress! Haley and Dr. Butts run the gamut from stress can overlap with autism, to tools on how to reduce it on a daily basis including yoga, mindfulness, and treating techniques.
Spectrumly Speaking is the podcast dedicated to women on the autism spectrum, produced by Different Brains®. Every other week, join our hosts Haley Moss (an autism self-advocate, attorney, artist, and author) and Dr. Lori Butts (a licensed clinical and forensic psychologist, and licensed attorney) as they discuss topics and news stories, share personal stories, and interview some of the most fascinating voices from the autism community.
For more about Haley, check out her website: haleymoss.net And look for her on Twitter: twitter.com/haleymossart For more about Dr. Butts, check out her website: cfiexperts.com
Have a question or story for us? E-mail us at SpectrumlySpeaking@gmail.com