In this episode, hosts Haley Moss and Dr. Lori Butts speak with Zoe Darazsdi.
Zoe is a therapist, researcher, and autistic self-advocate who specializes in empowering teens and adults with ADHD, autism, trauma disorders, and other neurodivergence. Her private practice, Counseling Services of Zoe Darazsdi, centers a neurodiversity framework that depathologizes neurodivergent brains and decolonizes the counseling process.
For more about Zoe’s work:
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Spectrumly Speaking is the podcast dedicated to women on the autism spectrum, produced by Different Brains®. Every other week, join our hosts Haley Moss (an autism self-advocate, attorney, artist, and author) and Dr. Lori Butts (a licensed clinical and forensic psychologist, and licensed attorney) as they discuss topics and news stories, share personal stories, and interview some of the most fascinating voices from the autism community.
Have a question or topic for us? E-mail us at SpectrumlySpeaking@gmail.com
HALEY MOSS was diagnosed with autism at age 3 and is an associate attorney at Zumpano Patricios in Coral Gables, Florida. She graduated with her Juris Doctor from the University of Miami School of Law in 2018, and graduated from the University of Florida in 2015 with Bachelors degrees in Psychology and Criminology.
She is a renowned visual pop artist and the author of Middle School: The Stuff Nobody Tells You About and A Freshman Survival Guide for College Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Stuff Nobody Tells You About. She also was the illustrator and a contributor for the Autism Women’s Network anthology What Every Autistic Girl Wishes Her Parents Knew. Her writing has been featured in HuffPost, Teen Vogue, Elite Daily, The Mighty, and other websites and publications. Haley was most recently honored with the 2019 Occhigrossi Family Youth in Service Award, the 2018 Publix Self-Advocate of the Year, the 2018 UM-NSU CARD Outstanding Self-Advocate, and the 2018 Voices of Hope Honoree by Birch Family Services in New York City. She was also recognized as a BlogHer 2016 Voices of the Year honoree and one of South Florida’s Young Leaders in Philanthropy. She was also presented with the Council For Exceptional Children’s Yes I Can! International Award in April 2011. Haley created the featured artwork as well as being presented with the Teen Hero Award at the 10th Annual Samsung Hope for Children event in June 2011. She is currently serving on the constituency board for UM-NSU CARD and previously served on the board of directors for Unicorn Village Academy.
For more about Haley, check out her website: haleymoss.net And look for her on Twitter: twitter.com/haleymossart
LORI J. BUTTS,J.D.,Ph.D. is the CEO and President of the Clinical & Forensic Institute (CFI) with offices in Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach, Florida. After graduating from Clemson University with Honors, Dr. Butts received her law and doctoral psychology degrees from the innovative jointly sponsored program by Villanova School of Law and MCP Hahnemann University Department of Clinical Psychology.Dr. Butts completed her internship in clinical and forensic psychology at New York University School of Medicine, Bellevue Hospital, and Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Hospital, She fulfilled her residency requirements at CFI where she was trained by Dr. John A. Spencer.Dr. Butts is licensed to practice psychology in Colorado and Florida and is a member of the Florida Bar.
Dr. Butts is the Past President of the Florida Psychological Association (FPA). She has previously served as the President of the Forensic Division of FPA and the Co-Chair of Legislative Affairs and Public Policy Board. Dr. Butts has also served on the Committee on Legal Issues (COLI) for the American Psychological Association. She has received the “What A Woman Award” and has been recognized as a Distinguished Psychologist for her dedication and service to the profession of psychology by the Florida Psychological Association. In 2016, she was recognized as the “Mental Health Professional of the Year” by the Broward County Crime Commission.
For more about Dr. Butts, check out her website: cfiexperts.com