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College Football Rivals Help Student With Down Syndrome

The Week in Neurodiversity

The Neurodiversity News Show, hosted by the Different Brains Inc. interns. Today’s host: Adrienne Sassano

(3 min 50 sec) In this episode: a man with dyslexia who didn’t learn to read until he was 18 is looking to inspire others with his book, app developers use technology to fight depression, students from the University of Alabama are raising money for a student with Down syndrome at Clemson, and more!

[00:11] To kick things off, a man who grew up with undiagnosed dyslexia and didn’t learn to read until he was 18 years old, has now written a book and is looking to inspire others with his story.

[00:48] Over in Connecticut, a senior living center is looking to help create a better transition for those with Alzheimer’s and their loved ones.

[01:21] Next, let’s take a look at how app developers are looking to use technology to fight depression.

[01:58] A city out of West Virginia is looking to become dementia friendly by offering a first hand experience of the condition.

[02:35] And finally, students from the University of Alabama used a class project to help raise money for a student with Down syndrome at Clemson.

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