Let It Roll: New Options, More Choices for Adults with Autism
8 Times Social Media Made a Difference for the Neurodiverse
Lynn University: Helping the Neurodiverse Transition
Replace Autism Awareness With Autism Acceptance
A Community Smiles: Building Hope for Adults With Autism
HACKIE REITMAN, M.D. (HR) Hi, I'm Hackie Reitman and this is Exploring Different Brains.…
The Asperger’s Trip to Israel
Rare Show of Unity by Florida Politicians Will Benefit Neurodiversity
Autism in the Classroom, Autism in the Home: The Need for Consistent Supports
HAROLD REITMAN, MD (HR) Welcome to exploring different brains. My name is Hackie Reitman and…
Seasonal Smiles For Adults with Autism & Their Families
Navigating Airport Anxiety for Different Brains
Tips on Air Travel for Families with Autistic Members
By Peter Bochner
While traveling by plane can provoke anxiety for even seasoned air travelers, for people with autism who are fearful of new things, it can be terrifying. In fact, according to foxnews.com in an article titled “Flying with Autism: What You Need to Know”, many families that have children or adult family members who are autistic don’t travel anywhere because the process is so nerve-wracking, or else because they fear that a situation can unravel quickly.
It’s a Wonderful Life: Autism and the Holidays
The Club of True Neurodiversity Champions
Navigating Adult Life and Autism with a SMILE
Autism Coaching in the Neurodiverse School System
One blogger’s vote for note-taking by laptop vs. longhand
By Peter Bochner I recently listened to a webinar titled Engaging the Rewired Brain, in…
ADHD – What else could it be?
By Brian Udell In medical parlance, the title = “The Differential Diagnosis of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder”.…
The Birth of the Chocolate Spectrum
By Valerie Herskowitz How I ended up here is a great mystery to me, because…
For Its Own Good, American Business Must Embrace Neurodiversity
All businesses can take a hint from Apple and Google: if you want your business…
Sad Because You Don’t Fit In? Don’t “Bee”
The Bee Girl It’s known as the Bee Girl music video, and if…
Asperger’s syndrome student’s socialization skills soar, leading to award nomination
Whether you want to call it a stereotype or a defining trait, if there’s one…
Autism Awareness Month: Jacqueline Laurita posts on loving her autistic son
As you may know, one of the major points of my book Aspertools is that…
Kudos to Comedy Central’s “Night of Too Many Stars”
It’s not just that they have raised over $18 million for the autism spectrum disorder…